How to Set Your Expectations Right

Written by Muhammad Hrishiah

Muhammad Hrishiah is the Chief Operating Officer for KUWAITNET, he joined the company in May 2015. Since then he has been responsible for advancing profitable growth strategies and improving operational performance. He oversees IT, PMO, Operations Processes, Customer and Partner Services, Customer Success Transformation and skill sets deployment. Muhammad is known for his strong track record of innovative problem solving, operational excellence and team leadership.

In any IT project journey, expectations play a big role in how the project is executed and how the closure is going to be set at the end. Usually having a professional vendor and sufficient investment is not enough to ensure successful implementation of a custom software solution. The project outcome significantly depends on the customer’s constant involvement, and the way the customer deals with the project progress could be an absolute game changer.

What is an expectation, Why it matters

Expectations are not as simple as they sound. These are usually tricky, subjective and often fuzzy if they are not based on scientific and subject related expertise. It is a state of mind that describes our beliefs about what should be the output after any phase a project is passing through. The expectations themselves are not a problem but the judgments and the decisions that come out of them are actually the risk bearers which can affect the direction of a project. Hence, managing how to set them and how to deal with them should lead to satisfying results.

Expectation Clock

Diagram A - Expectation Clock

As one continues engaging perspectives and judgments, expectations begin to appear in different forms through the project life cycle. They change as the time goes and for that, the expectation clock in (diagram A) has been developed by the KN PMO team to illustrate the most common areas that have expectations divided into two sections; 1. Expectations as a by-product of our mindsets (in Blue) and 2. Expectations related to the project execution (in Cayan). Furthermore, as time goes and the clock starts ticking the mindset is expected to change resulting in an output which often leads to changes in ideas. Thus, these two stages play a supremely vital role in influencing the decisions throughout the project (in Pink). These are called the “Pink Anchors” in KN formula of managing expectations.

Expectations, ProjectManagement, ProjectPlan,