Tips to Keep Your Website Safe

Written by Joby John

Joby John is working as a Project Solution Architect at KUWAITNET. He holds an experience of 7 years in the core software industry, working with versatile projects for both application and infrastructure domains. He believes that one who gets wisdom loves life; the one who cherishes understanding will soon prosper.

The Internet is an integral part of our daily activities. Today, we find ourselves depending on the Internet to help link multiple devices and systems together like in shops, banks, government offices, social media. These systems usually carry sensitive business-oriented information and data. It is the same case with our devices, where we have a lot of personal data, financial records, and medical information saved on it. If your phone or desktop is not protected, there is a high chance of it getting hacked.

Hacking is defined as illegal entry into a network or computer to manipulate data or information. With the advancement of technology, there are many anti-virus software that can help protect files from malicious attacks. To keep your website safe, you need to develop a strategy for protecting your data. Here are some tips to help protect your website:

 Keep Your Software Updated

Your website is developed using several applications, scripts, plugins, and even some customized modules. You need to always make sure that you are running the latest version of the technology that you are using to keep your data secure.

Hackers can easily find out if you are running an old version. Hence it is crucial to update the software on time to keep the website safe and secure along with the website you always need to choose an antimalware solution for pc. Your hosting provider also should update the software updates to offer adequate security to users.

Updates to the software could improve your security. Switch on the automatic link, blog, or other updates. If your Wordpress website is in, upgrade all the plugins and other resources. This reduces the amount of risk. Set automatic updates by enabling email alerts for timely reminders.

SQL Injection

An SQL injection is a hacking technique used by the majority of professional hackers; it was found 15 years ago. SQL is command and control language used for a database such as Microsoft SQL, Oracle, and MySQL. Modern web development contains this database on the back end of web applications written in PHP or another programming language.

An SQL injection is a technique that hackers use to insert SQL queries into inputs so that the SQL database can process it. This vulnerability can be misused by attackers directly.

You can protect your website from a SQL injection by having a web application firewall. A WAF protects the website from malware, WAF operates the web servers, monitor the unusual traffic, and identify the pattern that causes a threat. 

 Practice Strong Password

A simple but effective remedy is to avoid weak passwords, follow the recommended password length like a minimum of ten characters, a mixture of upper -lower case, numerals, and special characters. Not using weak passwords like 12345, birthdates, vehicle number plate, or personal easy to find information that attackers can easily recognize. The more complicated the password the safer it will be for you. 


HTTPS stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol. All the E-commerce websites, banking sites use https in their URL. When you see https in the web URL, it means all communication and data with this website are uncorrupted and secure.

There are many benefits of using HTTPS as it offers:

  • Security of data on the web

  • Keep confidential data secure and safe

  • The user can quickly trust your website

  • It improves search engine rankings 

  • Avoids the risk of cyberattacks

HTTPS helps SEO by improving your site’s ranking in SERP. Security comes first for Google; hence to stay safer on the web, they encourage websites to be HTTPS over HTTP.  


For a startup business, security comes first, and it is crucial for its success. All thanks to technology, many options are available in the market, but it’s good to have little knowledge of cybersecurity.

Once you implement the above steps, it would be advisable to try some web security tools and tests on your website. Whether you are running a website or personal blog, be aware of hackers, and always try to keep your platform up to date.

ITsecurity, Websitesecurity,